We rely on your donations


We are a 501C nonprofit that relies heavily on local support, and all of our dollars go to work in the Dayton area. Please help support our programming aimed at helping our youth find success in life.

Donate via Paypal

If you would like to make a donation online, you can do so by clicking the Donate button. Building Bridges also accepts gifts of stock and various forms of planned gifts. All donations to Building Bridges qualify as charitable donations for tax purposes. For more information about making donations please contact us at (937) 496-7800.

Physical Donations

In addition to financial support, Building Bridges is always in need of:

  • School supplies
  • Grocery items
  • Fast-food gift cards

Donations to Building Bridges can be mailed to or dropped off at:
Montgomery County Probation Services, 3501 Merrimac Ave., Dayton, Ohio 45405.

Call 937-496-7800 for more information.