Instead of counseling kids from behind a desk, we put kids in situations where they are likely to succeed. As their successes add up, these kids begin to build self-esteem, something most of them, despite their street- tough exteriors, are sorely lacking.
Our staff and volunteers work to develop relationships with each child. The kids are asked to set reachable goals for managing family relationships, improving social skills, and elevating school performance. This hands-on relation-focused approach accounts for the program’s unmatched success rate.
By simply showing theses kids they have worth, 7.5 out of 10 of them will not incur any new charges or become involved in the juvenile justice system again; returning to our community as productive members of society.
Our young people need as many positive role models in their corner as possible. Your presence could be the ever-so-slight turn of the rudder needed to steer him or her in a life-transforming direction. We are always seeking people who have a passion to serve the at-risk youth in our community, and there are many different ways to help.